<<< mardana
matsara >>>
mArdava ... mAtRSvasR
- 0 mArdav/a
- softness, kindness
- 1 mard/in
- crusher, destroyer
- 2 mardit/aA
- crushed
- 3 mArg/a
- way, road, path, manners
- 4 mArgaN/a
- arrow
- 5 mArg/ate
- he searches (ArSam, should be mArgayati)
- 6 mArg/ati
- he searches
- 7 mArgayitum
- to search
- 8 mArgazIrS/a
- pn (of a month)
- 9 mArgitav/atu
- he searched
- 10 mArgitavy/a
- it must be searched for
- 11 mArIc/a
- pn (of a demon)
- 12 marIc/i
- ray of light
- marIc/i
- pn
- 13 mAriS/a
- worthy or respectable man
- 14 mariS/yati
- will die
- 15 mArjAr/a
- cat
- 16 mArjay/ati
- he cleans up, rubs
- 17 mArkaNDey/a
- pn (of a sage)
- 18 marm/aN3
- n vital organ, Achiles' heel
- 19 marmatv/a
- vitalness of an organ
- 21 marSaNIy/aA
- to be tolerated, endured
- 22 marSay/ati
- he puts up with, endures
- 23 marSay/atR
- putting up with, enduring
- 24 marS/iN
- patient, indulgent, forgiving
- 25 marSit/a
- (was) endured
- 27 mArtaND/a
- pn (the sun or the god of the sun)
- 28 martum
- to die
- 29 marty/a
- mortal;
- 30 mar/u
- wilderness (uninhabited forest or desert)
- 31 marubhUt/i
- pn
- 32 marudhanv/an3
- a desert, wilderness
- 33 maru/t
- pn (any of the wind-gods); the wind
- 34 mArut/a
- wind;
gods of the wind (there are forty-nine)
- 35 mArut/aA
- that has winds (from marut);
related to the wind, descendant of Wind (such as bhImasena, hanumat)
- 36 marutt/a
- pn (from marut + datta, with marucchAbdasya ca upasaMkhyAnam kartavyam, vArtt to upasargAH kriyAyoge)
- 37 maryAd/aA
- f frontier, limit, boundary
- 38 mAryamAN/aA
- being killed
- 39 marzan/a
- touching;
(of a woman) defilement
- 40 marz/in
- toucher, sexual harasser, molester
- 41 mA/s
- month;
the Moon
- 43 mAs/a
- month (WP Lunar month)
- 45 maS/I
- ink
- 46 mastak/a
- head, top
- 47 mat/aA
- (was) thought, considered;
m intention, design, purpose, wish;
commendation, approbation, sanction
- 48 mAtaGg/a
- elephants
- mAtaGg/a
- pn
- 49 maTak/a
- corpse
- 50 matAkS/a
- gambler (pro gambler - 'one well skilled in dice')
- 51 mAtal/i
- pn (of the charioteer of indra)
- 52 mAtApit/R1
- parents
- 53 mAtarizv/an3
- pn (of who ? )
- 54 mate
- under the intention, design, purpose, wish, commendation, approbation, sanction
- 55 mathit/a
- churned, agitated, afflicted, hurt, destroyed
- 56 mathn/ati
- he churns, agitates, destroys
- 57 mathur/A
- pn (of a city)
- 60 mathy/atR
- being churned
- 61 mat/i
- f way of thinking, thought, opinion, idea;
intention, design, purpose, wish;
commendation, approbation, sanction
- 62 matim/atu
- intelligent
- 63 matkuN/a
- a bug (flea, mosquito, etc)
- 64 matpar/a
- focused on me, having me has his highest goal
- 65 mAt/R1
- mother
- 66 mAtr/A
- measure;
matter, Nature, the material world (same as prakRti)
- 67 mAtr/a
- measure ;
(latter) only, right after, as soon as
- 68 mAtrak/a
- (latter) of measure
- 69 mAtRSvas/R
- sister of mother, aunt (kric from mAtRpitRbhyAMsvasA)
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matsara >>>