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saMlakSya ... samuddizya

0 saMlakSy/a
observing carefully, examining
2 saMlih/atR
3 saMlIn/aA
hidden, lurking in;
depressed, retired
7 sammantrya
discussed and, took counsel and
8 sammard/a
battle, conflict
9 sammArjan/I
10 sammat/aA
renowned, celebrated, well-known; thought
11 sammate
with the consent (saMmata- + Gi)
12 sammatt/a
completely mad, drunk, excited
13 sammit/a
of the same measure, alike, resembling, that agrees with
14 sammoh/a
confusion, delusion
15 sammohan/a
n deluding, infatuating, leading astray
17 sammohayitum
to confuse
18 sammUDh/a
confused, perplexed, bewildered
21 sammukh/a
confronting, facing, in the presence of
22 sammukhe
in front, in the presence of, in the beginning
23 sampa/d
lot (lot that befell someone), state, fortune (properly: what happens by chance)
25 sampAdayiS/yati
he will make (it) succeed
29 sampady/ate
it happens, turns into
30 sampann/aA
endowed with, that has, full of
31 sAmparAyik/a
helpful in time of need
32 samparikramya
wandered about and
34 sampariSvajya
surrounded and, hugged and
36 sampark/a
company, mixing with
37 sampAt/a
falling together, clashing
38 sampatant/I
39 sampAt/i
pn (of a monkey;
of a vulture, elder brother of jaTAyu)
41 sampats/yate
he will happen, will fall together, will happen to be
42 sampats/yati
it will fall together, it will come true
43 sampazy/ati
he looks
44 sampazy/atR
with a view to
45 sampIDit/aA
filled with
47 sampIDyamAn/aA
being filled
49 samplut/aA
filled, full
50 samprabhAS/ate
he speaks
51 sampradAn/a
gift, bribe
52 sampradatt/aA
(was) imparted
55 sampradhAryatAm
let it be agreed on
56 sampradIpt/a
on fire
57 samprahAr/a
mutual striking or wounding, war, battle, fighting with
59 sampraharSay/atR
gladdening (others), encouraging
60 samprahRST/aA
gladdened, glad
61 samprakAz/ate
appears, manifests;
62 samprakIrtit/aA
called, mentioned, it is said to be
65 sampranaST/aA
(that) disappeared
66 sampraNidhAya
left behind and;
put aside and, disregarded and
67 samprAp/at
got, got to (laG)
68 samprApt/aA
gotten to, arrived
69 samprApya
got and
70 samprasAday/at
he begged (no luGlaG)
74 samprasusrAva
75 samprasUt/a
brought forth
76 sAmpratam
77 samprati
78 sampratiSTh/A
basis, foundation, origin
81 sampravRtt/aA
(that had) started
83 samprayAN/a
n departure
84 samprayog/a
conjunction, union, connection, contact with (instr. with and without [ saha ], or comp.)
89 samprekSya
saw and
90 sampreSayA/mAsa
he sent
91 sampreSit/aA
was sent
92 samprIt/i
pleasure, satisfaction, delighting in
93 samprIy/ate
he is very happy
94 sampRkt/aA
mixed with, touching (pRc)
95 sampUjya
honored and
97 sampUrN/aA
completed, finished, entire, fulfilled;
99 saMrabdh/aA
excited, angry, aroused, incensed
100 samrA/jD
101 sAmrAjy/A
universal empress ( ? uh? )
102 sAmrAjy/aA
lordship, sovereignty, kingness, emperorship
103 saMrajy/ate
is reddening
106 saMrakSy/aA
should be protected
107 saMrakSyamAN/aA
being protected
108 saMrakt/a
reddened, flushed with blood
109 saMrambh/a
m anger, fury, wrath against
110 saMrambh/iN
wrathful, furious, angry, irascible;
111 samRddh/aA
rich in, abundant, copious
113 samRddh/i
wealth, (pl) riches, expensive items
114 samRddh/in
rich in, that has, endowed with
116 saMroh/ati
grows over, cicatrizes, heals
117 saMruddh/aA
obstructed, impeded
118 saMrudhya
obstructed and
119 saMsa/d
meeting, assembly
122 saMsajjamAn/aA
hesitating, stammering, faltering
123 saMsakt/aA
stuck together, attached
124 saMsAr/a
cycle of reincarnation, this valley of tears
125 saMsar/ati
he wanders all over
127 saMsarg/a
meeting, hanging around, being together, socializing with
128 saMsarp/atR
creeping, moving along, marching
129 saMsIdamAn/aA
sinking down, collapsing;
sitting together (sad)
130 saMsiddh/aA
fully or thoroughly performed or accomplished
131 saMsiddh/i
total success;
132 saMsikt/aA
besmeared, covered, sprinkled, showered, splashed
133 saMskAr/a
making perfect, decorating, preparing;
memory (esp. from a former life);
preparation, dressing, kitchen recipe
134 saMskArayitum
to cause to be consecrated
135 saMskRt/aA
polished, refined
136 saMsmar/ate
he remembers (maybe bad grammar for saMsmarati)
137 saMsmar/atR
remembering, thinking of
138 saMsmartavy/aA
must be remembered, must be thought of
139 saMsmRtya
remembered and
140 saMsoDhum
to endure (sah, sahivaho)
142 saMsparz/a
touching, contact
143 saMspRz/atR
144 saMspRzya
touched and
145 saMsRST/aA
united, connected
146 saMstabhya
147 saMstambhayA/mAsa
he made (it) firm, encouraged
148 saMstambhit/aA
150 saMstav/aA
m praise
151 saMsth/aA
that is in (former)
152 saMsthAn/a
153 saMsthApan/a
reaffirming, strengthening
154 saMsthApay/ati
sets, sets right
155 saMsthApya
fixed firmly and
156 saMsthAtA
he will die (sam + sthA + luT)
158 saMsthit/aA
waiting, not moving, standing together
159 saMsthit/i
f nature, condition, quality, property
160 saMstIrN/aA
covered, scattered over with (stq)
161 saMstRt/aA
covered over (stR)
163 saMstuv/atR
164 saMsupt/aA
165 saMsyUt/aA
sewn together
167 samucched/a
m utter destruction, extermination
168 samucchray/a
who or what rises or grows up;
m raising, high position, eminence, high rank;
169 samucchrit/aA
170 samudagr/a
171 samudaikS/ata
he looked up
172 samudAnay/a
a bringing together
173 samudAvah/at
he brought
174 samuday/a
union, going together
175 samudbhav/aA
arising, creation, origin
176 samudbhrAnt/aA
(was) troubled, agitated
177 samudbhUt/aA
risen, flown up
179 samuddhar/ate
he picks up from, raises up from, delivers from, rescues
180 samuddhart/Asmi
I will lift up
181 samuddhat/aA
raised, high
184 samuddiST/aA
described, prescribed ( ? )
185 samuddizya
aimed at and


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