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dhyAyate ... draSTavya

0 dhyAy/ate
reflects, meditates
1 dhyAy/ati
he thinks of (second)
2 dhyAy/atR
meditating, reflecting
3 dIdaras
(don't) frighten (dq + Nic + caG + sip)
5 didhakS/atR
about to burn out (dah + san + zatR)
6 didhakS/u
that wants to burn, that is about to burn (dah + san, with throwback)
7 didhArayiS/u
that wants to hold (them) back (dhR + Nic + san + u')
8 didRkS/A
a wish to see
9 didRkS/ate
wants to see, longs for (bendy by jJA;zru;smR;dRzAM)
10 didRkS/u
(that) wants to see, that is about to see (san + u', see sanAza)
11 digdh/a
12 dIkS/A
initiation (see wikipedia on dikSa)
14 dIkSayitvA
make (him) command and
15 dIkSit/aA
(was) consecrated (as king etc.)
16 dilIp/a
pn (WP Dilīpa, a king, father of raghu)
17 din/a
n day
18 dIn/aA
depressed, poor, wretched, pitiable
20 dInAr/a
gold coin, money, dinar
21 dIp/a
22 dIpayA/mAsa
he kindled, set on fire
23 dIpit/a
set on fire, kindled
24 dIpt/aA
burning, lit up, ablaze, bright
26 dIpt/i
f brightness , light , splendour , beauty
27 dIpyamAn/aA
29 dIpy/ate
flares up, burns;
it is being set on fire
30 dIpy/ati
it shines (lamp etc)
31 dIrgh/aA
32 dIrghasUtr/aI
33 dIrN/a
torn, rent
34 dIry/ate
it shatters, falls apart, is split in pieces, breaks open (dq + yak)
35 dIry/ati
it falls apart (ArSam for dIryate)
36 diST/a
indicated, commanded, predestined
38 diSTyA
fortunately (diSTyA vardhase = congrats!)
39 dit/i
pn (of a goddess, mother of the maruts)
40 ditij/aA
(descendant of diti:) pn (same as asura)
41 dits/atR
that wants to give (dA + san + zatR, with sanimImA)
42 ditsit/a
that is about to be given (dA + san + kta, with sanimImA)
43 divA
by day;
44 div/a
45 divAkar/a
the Sun
48 divam
m sky, heaven (div- + am)
49 divAnizam
day and night
50 divas
from the sky, of the sky (nounbase dyu- a.k.a. div-)
51 divas/a
52 divauk/as
53 divi
in heaven, in the sky
54 diviSTh/aA
dwelling in heaven (S from ambAmba)
56 divy/aA
celestial, skylike, heavenly, divine
57 dIvyamAn/aA
(that is) gambling
59 dIvy/ati
he gambles, plays dice
60 dIvy/atR
61 dIy/ate
it is being given
62 di/zg
quarter of the sky, direction (such as east, north...), point of the compass
63 dodhUyamAn/aA
that was being shaken repeteadly (dhU 'shake' + yaGluk + yak + zAnac)
64 dohan/a
n milk-pail
65 dol/A
hammock, palanquin, swing (figuratively = fluctuation, incertitude, doubt, emotional rollercoaster)
66 do/r
67 doS/a
fault, defect
68 doSav/atu
mistaken, wrong, bad
69 doS/iN
that has a defect
70 drakS/yate
he will see
71 drakS/yati
he will see
72 draSTavy/aA
must be seen


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