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vadantI ... vairiN
- 0 vadant/I
- saying
- 1 vadAny/aA
- generous, bountiful, liberal, a munificent giver
- 3 vad/ate
- he says, speaks
- 4 vadat/I
- saying
- 5 vad/ati
- he says, speaks
- 6 vad/atR
- talking, saying
- 7 vaDav/A
- mare
- 8 vaDavAvaktr/a
- pn (same as vaDavAmukha)
- 10 vAdayA/mAsa
- he made (an instrument) sound, he played
- 11 vAday/ati
- he plays (a musical instrument);
he makes (them) speak
- 12 vAdayitum
- to play (a musical instrument)
- 13 vadh/a
- a killing
- 14 vadhak/a
- killer
- 16 vadhIs
- (don't) kill!
- 18 vadhiS/yati
- he'll kill
- 20 vadh/U
- wife, young woman
- 21 vadhy/aA
- killable, that should be killed;
an enemy, a criminal;
f a killing
- 22 vadhyamAn/aA
- being killed, attacked, struck
- 23 vadhy/ate
- he's being killed
- 24 vadhy/atR
- being slaughtered
- 25 vAd/in
- one that talks, speaker, talker, orator
- 26 vadiS/yati
- he'll say
- 27 vAditr/a
- musical instrument
- 28 vAdy/aA
- to be said;
mn a musical instrument;
n a speech
- 29 vAdyamAn/aA
- being played
- 31 vaGg/a
- pl pn (of a people)
- 32 vAgm/in
- great speaker, orator, sage
- 33 vA/h
- carrier
- 34 vAh/a
- (latter) bearer, drawer, carrier, leader (of a caravan etc);
any draught-animal; any vehicle, carriage, conveyance, car
- 35 vah/a
- (latter) carrier, bearer
- 36 vAhak/a
- carrier, driver, chauffeur
- 38 vAhan/a
- carrier, vehicle, conveyance;
draught-animal, beast for riding (horses, elephants etc)
- 41 vah/ate
- he carries, drives (chariot etc.)
- 42 vah/ati
- he carries, drives (chariot etc.)
- 43 vah/atR
- carrying, driving
- 44 vAhayAmAsa
- he made (them) carry
- 45 vAhay/ati
- he carries, drives, rides;
he makes (them) carry;
spends (time), passes (time)
- 47 vAhayiS/yati
- he will drive (your chariot), he will carry (you)
- 48 vAh/in
- m chariot
- 49 vAhin/I
- army;
- 50 vahis
- outside (same as bahis)
- 51 vahiS/yati
- he'll carry
- 52 vahn/i
- fire, heat;
- 54 vai
- (ignore)
- 55 vaicitravIry/a
- pn (of dhRtarASTra, pANDu, and vidura, sons of vicitravIrya, biological sons of vyAsa)
- 56 vaidarbh/a
- king of the vidarbhas
- 57 vaidarbh/I
- pn (esp. of damayantI, princess of the vidarbhas)
- 58 vaideh/a
- king of videha
- 59 vaideh/I
- pn (of sItA, princess of videha)
- 60 vaidharmy/a
- unlawfulness, injustice
- 61 vaidhavy/a
- widowhood
- 62 vaidik/a
- vedic
- 63 vaiDUry/a
- cat-eye (a gem, Cymophane); any gem; bejewelled (made of vaiDUrya or any other gem)
- 64 vaidUry/a
- cat-eye (a gem, WP Chrysoberyl#Cymophane)
- 65 vaiDUryamay/a
- made of cat-eye
- 66 vaidy/a
- knower of the veda;
physician, medic
- 67 vaidyAdhar/aI
- vidyAdharic (related to the vidyAdharas)
- 68 vaikartan/a
- son of the Sun (name of karNa and others)
- 69 vaiklavy/a
- mental weakness, confusion, fear, anxiety
- 70 vaikRt/a
- deformed, distorted, disfigured;
hatred ( ! )
- 71 vaikuNTh/a
- tp (the heaven of viSNu)
- 72 vaimanasy/a
- folly, madness, depression
- 73 vainatey/a
- pn (of garuDa, son of vinatA);
eagle (khagavizeSaH bRhat khago yaH khagAnAM nRpa iti manyate)
- 74 vaiNav/a
- m flute
- 75 vair/a
- quarrel, grudge, wish for revenge, hostility;
- 76 vairAgy/a
- lack of liking, renunciation (indifference to worldly objects and to everyday life)
- 77 vairAm/a
- pl pn (of a people)
- 78 vairAT/i
- pn (p of uttara, son of virATa)
- 79 vair/iN
- enemy;
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